
Oh, how the night is young.

For every glittering sign, a door- a portal to a new world. You parse each door, each world. You are in tune with the city by now- you can tell which places are beloved by them, and which places are avoided. The buildings, clubs, and bars are like small jagged kingdoms, fiercely defending themselves from the enemy.

And then, you find a door without a sign. In a small alcove, an old man sits on a plastic chair in front of the door, smoking a cigarette. Next to him is a bucket of coins. The door he's guarding glows at the edges with the light from inside.

You walk up, curious about the place. The man takes one look at you. You feel yourself being sized up in an instant. Then, he narrows his brows. The message is clear. You're not welcome here.

You wrinkle your brow in confusion. Is this place for regulars only? Are you not welcome because you're a tourist?

The man wrinkles his brow in return and does another once-over. Then, he motions to your bag.

You glance down at it. There's something sitting in the front pocket, as though it was slipped in while you were parsing the crowd. Upon seeing it, you blink, as though looking at something as bright as the sun, even though the card sheds no light. You understand in an instant what the man meant, and what this place without a sign is supposed to be.

The man makes a motion with his hand. Leave.

You leave the alcove. Surprisingly, you felt no hostility from the man once he realized that card was in your purse. Finding an empty bench to sit down on, you examine the card in more detail.

Once again, something about the card feels blinding. It's not as though the card itself shimmers with glitter or foil, or that it is directing a blast of wind into your eyes. Rather, it feels as though you are looking at something you are too pathetic, too miniscule to see. As though you are looking at a piece of God itself.

It appears at first glance to be a tarot card. It depicts an abstract image of a man riding a chariot pulled by a horse, with the border reading "VII" and "The Chariot" at the top and bottom.

Upon further inspection, you realize that the card can be opened- and there are words inside...

The Chariot, the seventh Tarot card, represents forward movement. Such is our philosophy here at Chariot Corporation.

We are the pillar upholding the peace and beauty of this city. We guide all things to their desired ends. We bring all people to their happiness.

Whatever your forte is, we'll surely have a place for you.

Apply now.

Questions race through your head. Benefits? Salary? And why would this end up in your bag's front pocket? Who put it there?

What about this card feels so familiar to you?

You turn your head up. Your eyes catch it in the distance- a massive white skyscraper, piercing the heavens. You've seen it before. It's one of the city's most well-known landmarks. But now that you're in tune with its darkness, you see it for what it really is...

This is Deep Lore page 3.

There are a few of these Deep Lore pages scattered all throughout The City of Rest...

Enjoy hunting them down. The Sitemap page might help you find more.