Welcome to The City of Rest.

The weather is pleasant. Warm sunlight filters through the verdant trees that line the sidewalks, illuminating the prismatic flowers below you. The glass from the windows, or perhaps it's the sunset, cast beautiful colors all over the roads. You can hear children playing nearby and happy, carefree conversation. You can see people walking to and fro, enjoying their time outside. You can smell clean, fresh air, and a hint of coffee wafting out of a nearby cafe. You breathe it all in.

So nice...

This is not where you came from. This is not where you will return to. This land is steeped in sadness and despair, anger and rage, longing and loneliness. Yet it is so peaceful, so full of love and beauty and kindness. You will know that love, beauty, and kindness. It will suffuse you and cleanse you of your regrets and your suffering.

You have enough money for meals and lodging, and you have enough time to explore the city. Your bones are not weary as they were before. The people here are kind, and they will not let you fall into trouble.

Rest now. You have nothing to fear.

Let your worries, and all of your sadness, wash away into the concrete.

Don't think about where they will go.

You are safe here in The City.

You are safe.




They're watching you.

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