The person you're here to visit lives in a modest little building that's at least four times older than she is. The apartment is comfortable enough, sporting a clean single bedroom and a barebones yet well-lived-in living room. Your friend serves you your choice of drink and some freshly baked cookies, and even offers you a rice dish she cooked.

She moved here for work, and has been living here ever since. But the more you talk to her, the more you wonder why she hasn't left. What you think of her, and what she thinks of you. What they think of her.

About Me

I'm many things, but you can call me PJ. In a metaphorical sense, I'm an ordinary human cursed to wander these endless cities, keenly aware of those who are watching, but never strong or brave enough to protect anyone from them.

In a not metaphorical sense, I'm a writer and artist in my free time, and an analyst of sorts at work. It's like I was born with all my stats in intelligence, so I pretty much grew up super smart, but without many friends and with a lot of childhood trauma. To get over my loneliness, I began making 'imaginary friends', which spiraled into creating original fictional characters. Later on I began writing comics, and as I fell in love with reading, I began plotting out whole novels. I'm yet unpublished, but I have many, many words under my belt.

My novels and worlds generally revolve around fictional cities that feel familiar enough to imagine oneself living there, yet feel different enough to feel otherworldly. While my works almost always discuss dark themes, at the same time I want people to feel at home in my imagination. Using myself as an example...

In real life, I'm a financial analyst who loves coffee shops. I might spend my day running simulations on claim incidence, order coffee from a nearby store, and scroll r/politics for news.

In Rubicon City, the setting of SECRET Agents, I might report on casualties for monster attacks back to my company all day and then chill by the boardwalk at night, just barely missing the sunset.

In Sancoline, the setting of Lost Gods of the Holy City, I might spend my days analyzing the incidence of desert cancer in immigrants coming from Old America, before ordering some overpriced cactus tea in the Rose District on my way home.

Or in Stronghold Mars, the setting of The City of Hands, I might be asked to put together a report on the restorative effects of certain magical plants, then spend the night fighting off magical nightmares from my depressed ex-spouse.

Other common themes are friendship, queer relationships of all kinds, anti-amatonormativity, overcoming childhood trauma, religion, distrust of authority, the pains of growing up, the cycle of vengeance, and trying to be a better person today than you were yesterday. And there are some other less-themey common elements in there too, like friction with your parents and fighting off angels and the things they represent.

In a metaphorical and literal sense- don't trust people with wings.

However long you plan to stay in the city (and I hope you enjoy your stay), I wish you good luck on your travels.

Also, please play around with my theme switcher, I worked really hard on it and it's cool ;-;